Navigating: by Month

The New Year has passed, you’re resolutions are picked. You’ve settled back into your routine.  Now it is time to plan and make sure those goals, especially your finances, stay on track.  We all have different opinions on plans, goals, and resolutions.  Regardless of your viewpoint, the bottom line is, if you don’t plan and measure your goals, then you can’t improve.  The question is, where do you start?  For a quick reference, check out this article: Personal Finance Calendar for 2021 | Charles Schwab.  As noted by the author, financial planning is a life-long journey.  You don’t just do it once, check the box, and move forward.  It requires planning, rigor, and attention to detail.  There is a month-by-month breakdown of ideas and considerations along your journey.  I particularly like the recommendations for the month of January; focusing on your cash-flow planning.  Before you can focus on cash-flow, you need to fully understand all of your accounts.  Where is all of your money coming from?  Where is it going?  How many accounts are competing for your funds and are they the right ones?  This is where a money map is key.  

Keep Navigating & MAP Your Financial Future!


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